social media education workshops

Group Sessions

for schools, church groups, teams, and businesses

In-person, hands-on, real talk presentations that are specifically crafted to meet the needs of your particular group


How it works…

Each of my presentations are energetic and applicable for young and old audiences alike. The process starts with a consult call where we will discuss the age and specific needs of the audience you’d like to have me speak to. Each attendee’s personal social media accounts will be analyzed by me prior to the presentation. Nope, those aren’t private!

As a part of the in-person training, the audience will then receive a real-time assessment of the account’s integrity. This integrity is of the utmost importance, as it will be scrutinized by colleagues, future employers, teachers… the list goes on! Attendees leave my presentations with information and practices that they can immediately apply to improve their daily social media habits.

I have given this training to many different audiences: grades 5-8, church youth groups, high school and collegiate sports teams, and panels for parents. Each session is carefully tailored to each group’s specific needs.

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Once you have booked your workshop, I will send any permission slips and gather account information



I thoroughly analyze each public account to find where your group is succeeding AND struggling.



I then use the information garnered from the accounts to customize a presentation for the group.



Let’s do this, y’all! Each presentation is about one hour in length and includes a Q&A session at the end.


better digital reputation, better future

Our future colleagues, teachers, and employers all look us up online now as a part of the admissions or interview process. And guess what? Your accounts aren’t really private!

It’s better to have a serious, realistic conversation about where your social reputation is headed now, before it’s too late.

I work with both children and adults to discuss how their interaction on social platforms affects their lives. During my presentations, I create opportunities for meaningful dialogue and leave attendees with tools to foster and build a reputable presence online.


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